Tuesday, May 5, 2020

United Nation Declaration Indigenous People -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The United Nation Declaration Indigenous People? Answer: Introduction Life expectancy of the aboriginal Australian population is significantly low compared to the non-aboriginals. The below figure reflects a high death rate of the aboriginal population compared to the birth rate. Moreover, the birth rate of the aboriginal population as on 2015 is 18,537. These newborns reflected a comparatively low birth weight. The gap between the weight compared to non-aboriginal is 149 grams according to the Australian indigenous HealthInfoNet overview report 2016 (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2017). Furthermore, the infant mortality rate of the aboriginal reflects higher figure compared to non-aboriginal for 2013-15 (Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, 2017). Moreover, the death rate reflected in the report is 1.7 times compared to the non-indigenous in 2015. This, when compared to 1998 report reflects a significant decline of 16%. The below figure further identifies the cause of death occurred to the aboriginals due to the health issues is significantly high compared to the others factors. The report further reflects a low rate in educational field compared to non-aboriginal. However, the report also identifies a slow growth of the number in 2015 comparing to 2014. It is possible to relate economics with mortality rate, which also reflects declination. Aboriginal affair act, which is now reformed as Community Welfare act safeguards the interests of the aboriginal communities and can be considered as the legal guardian of the aboriginal population in every aspect of social life (Findandconnect.gov.au, 2018). Historical background of the Issue Australian history of colonisation and the frontier period served as the architecture of the present condition of aboriginal life. The period is known for its extreme violence and torture on the aboriginals of Australia. The British government forcefully occupied the land in 1829 without any treaty. This facilitated in jeopardising Australian aboriginal peoples rights in all grounds. The policies of the era discriminated the rights on educational, medicinal, employment and various other ground. As reviewed by Parker and Milroy (2014) the extreme discrimination and exploitation of the original people of the land can be attributed to the declination of the health condition. They also lost their land right that lead to the starvation, which also contributed in the living standard of the people. The interest of the aboriginal population was up held with the first successful petition made in 1847 to the Queen Victoria form Tasmanian Aboriginal people (Thompson, 2010). It safeguarded the p opulation from the illegal violence brought upon them by the settlements superintendent Dr Henry Jeanneret by releasing him from his duties in the land. Human Rights and Indigenous Rights Section 2 of article 17 United Nations Declaration on Rights to Indigenous People safeguards the aboriginal childrens interest related to various section including health an d education that enables them to enjoy opportunity enjoy them similar benefits to the non-aboriginal children. Article 24 of the same on the other hand safeguards the rights to attain highest standards of physical and mental health. Moreover, article 29, section 3 on the other hand ensure and safeguard the needs indigenous population. This helps them to bridge the gap between the opportunities by helping the aboriginals in the attainment of the benefits (Un.org, 2018). Universal declaration of human rights proposes articles, for not only distributing the rights equally for every individual regardless of social status, but also extends supporting hand for uplifting the needy. Article safeguards the educational right of individuals and enables them in choosing their area of interest. Moreover, this article makes elementary education free up to fundamental stages for providing opportunity for the aboriginals and needy. Article 25 on the other hand holds the right for a standard living for the individuals that include health among other benefits (Un.org, 2018). Implementation of these rights is showing slow but steady growth in uplifting the aboriginal and helps them attain the standard of living. References Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet(2017)Summary of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderhealth, 2016. Retrieved [access date] fromhttps://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/health-facts/summary Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet(2017).Overview ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare status 2016.Retrieved [Accessed 31 Jan 2018] from https://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/health-facts/overviews Findandconnect.gov.au. (2018).Aboriginal Affairs Act 1962 - Legislation. Retrieved [Accessed 31 Jan 2018] from https://www.findandconnect.gov.au/ref/sa/biogs/SE00271b.htm humanrights.gov.au. (2018).Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Retrieved [Accessed 31 Jan 2018] from: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/content/letstalkaboutrights/downloads/HRA_ATSI.pdf Parker, R., Milroy, H. (2014). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health: an overview.Working together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice,2, 25-38. Thompson, J (ed). (2010). We humbly pray Your Majesty the Queen will hear our prayer': a petition of the free Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land. Documents that Shaped Australia: Records of a Nation's Heritage. (pp. 109-111) Un.org. (2018).United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. management [Accessed 31 Jan 2018] from: https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS_en.pdf Un.org. (2018).Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved [Accessed 31 Jan 2018] from: https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html

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